We thank God for the baptism of Tshepiso Princess Kgatle. I was humbled when my colleague, Rev. Phineas Kgatle asked me to lead the service thus this beautiful sacrament.The apostles Peter puts it well, in his sermon at Pentecost, “For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” Acts 2:39 ESV. Yes we believe that baptism is the sign of the covenant in the New Testament.

The sign that is pointing to the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. A sign just like circumcision in the Old Testament. I had a very hectic day, started first in Nellmapius where we hesitated before putting on gazebos because of the rain. I was discouraged by many members who did not attend. But in this walk of faith you have to learn to count your blessings and I thank God for the few who always show commitment.

Indeed despite the turnout in both congregations, the gospel was proclaimed and God glorified!I arrived in Soshanguve WW very muddy because of the wet ground in Nellmapius caused by rain. I literally had to wash my shoes before the service. The attendance was also not as it should be but again I had to be reminded that it is not about the numbers. I am always amazed by the fathers who lead the service, the emotions they put in when they sing.

I listened to 4 or 5 songs coming is succession as I was busy washing the mud from my shoes.I was also happy to see children who attended the service; I took some time to explain the sacrament of baptism. No magic in the water but just a symbol of our body being washed by the blood of Christ. Great day at the end and I thank God for the opportunity to minister to both churches.